
 Hi, my lovely mates in Hualien (and outside Hualien),

   how's everyone been?  Recently no one (including me...) bothers to post anything except the on going events (thanks to Nemo, keeping it functioning) on the blog anymore!  It's a pity cause that's usually the best and fastest way for me to have a glimpse of what everyone is up to now.  I really really miss you all, and hope that everyone's been doing well.

  As the approaching of summer here in the southern hemisphere, it's time for me to leave Australia.  This is very sad indeed for me because I have definately fell in love with this laid back, relaxing country.  I love its incredible vastness, the queer plants and animal, and, of course, the countless number of friendly people.  They helped me in so many other ways that is unbearable everytime I have to say goodbye to them. 

  However, coming to Australia is only a beginning.  I have encountered so many different kind of people and lifestyles, undersood that there's such a vastness of variety of culture, perspectives and ways of thinking, that I decided to extend my journey to the nearby South East Asia countries. 

  This is what I am planning now.  I am leaving Australia on the 27th, flying to Singapore, and after that head out for a series of countries like Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, and Nepal.  This will roughly takes me up to about 4-6 months.   Since those countries are quite different from the comfortable well established Australia, the experience shall be very challenging one, which is what I am looking forward to. 

  Travelling is an addiction.  Once you get yourself on the road, you somehow never want to stop again.  My dear mates, I sincerely suggest you to go ahead for your own journey as well.  The world is so big, the people so lovely, the culture so different.  This is a beautiful planet, embrace it, it won't let you down.  There's nothing to worry about really, just do it, and you will get there.  If you are in doubt, stop questioning, cuz time is running out.  Do it when you are young, or else things might get too late to be catching up. 

  All in all, I do hope you all have a pleasant and satisfying year.  Do wish that we can still keep in touch.  So, everyone, all the best.


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